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Overprovisioned Host System – A Nightmare

Overprovisioned Host System – A Nightmare

Overprovisioned host systems in virtualized environments often cause performance issues. Steal Time is a reliable indicator for identifying such bottlenecks. This article explains how to monitor Steal Time using top, the impact of high values, and how monitoring tools...

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On-Premise? IaaS vs. PaaS vs. SaaS?

On-Premise? IaaS vs. PaaS vs. SaaS?

What does it mean to run an application in the cloud? What types of clouds are there, and what responsibilities can they take away from me? Or conversely, what does it mean not to go to the cloud? To clarify these questions, we first need to identify the...

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Apache Spark & Delta Lake Examples

Apache Spark & Delta Lake Examples

Here are some Apache Spark and Delta Lake examples. Actually, they are always the same problems. But searching and finding the solutions on the internet costs a lot of time. Is something still missing? Then just let me know! Preparations The Apache Spark distribution...

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Apache Spark fails autocomplete and loading packages

Apache Spark fails autocomplete and loading packages

Running Apache Spark from the Docker image causes problems with autocomplete in the shell. In that way, the apache spark-shell autocomplete is broken. Suspicion falls on the terminal settings and the JLine configuration. In fact, the cause lies in a completely...

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Docker Topics – A collection of notes

Docker Topics – A collection of notes

A list of common Docker Topics (more): The Haskell Dockerfile Linter helps to build best practice Docker images. The Dockerfile Lint allows the building of custom policies to build best practice Docker images. Use Makefiles for Docker building Docker Images. How...

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Make it easy: Apache Spark, Data Frames and Regex Power

Make it easy: Apache Spark, Data Frames and Regex Power

Regular Expressions are a powerful tool to split texts into fragments. Furthermore, Apache Spark is an analytics engine and capable of processing large amounts of data sets. The feature of naming capturing groups makes the usage of regular expressions more accessible....

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Openshift mount files to pods

Openshift offers many possibilities to embed files in pods. Furthermore, there are many reasons to include files in pods. So, embedding configuration files is a powerful mechanism. In this way, unchangeable containers become populated with dynamic content. In brief,...

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Openshift Templates – An alternative to Helm Charts?

Openshift templates are Openshift's answer to Kubernetes helm charts. In this way, an openshift template contains a list of objects. In consequence, applying an openshift template substitutes its placeholders. Also, it contains a parameter list. Openshift template are...

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Jenkins Pipeline for server less builds

Jenkins supports using docker container engine. As result, Jenkins pipelines are going towards server less builds. Using the built-in docker plugin in pipelines is pretty simple. In that way, pipeline performs native calls to docker. And in consequence, docker is...

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