Apache Maven Java Build Managment Tool

Apache Maven java build tool? Maven is a widely used build management tool. Apache Software Foundation maintains maven in java programming language. So a lot of java projects use maven as build management tool. Maven follows the paradigm convention over configuration....

How to store a large amount of files in file system?

How to store large amount of files in file system? by Markus Breuer | Jun 30, 2019 | Big Data | 0 comments Storing large amounts of files become a challenge. Modern file systems are powerful. But when filling them up with many files they reach limits. The smaller file...
Docker process virtualization

Docker process virtualization

Docker is a lightweight framework for virtualizing application processes. Instead of emulating a computer hardware that still needs an operating system to run applications, Docker takes a different approach. Docker is able to pretend an operating system environment to...
Analyze Access Log with Apache Spark

Analyze Access Log with Apache Spark

Apache Spark is a powerful tool to process large amounts of data. The docs show many examples to analyze csv-like data, which is already covered by spark csv. But how to analyze more complex data, e.g. an accesslog file? At first sight it looks quite simple because...